Tips to Saving on Mobile Phone Battery

Sunday, March 2, 2014

You often get annoyed with your mobile phone? When you’re receiving phone calls suddenly mobile phone battery runs out fast. Surely you often experience it. It turns out, the fact remains that most of mobile phone battery ran out not because its power is often used to make a call, but it sucked for existing features in mobile phones, there are a few tips from for saving battery consumption on your mobile phone:
Reduce Volume
When listening to music or your favorite songs, either from mp3 or video, with sound/loud volume could reduce battery power, reduce the volume so that the battery power remains durable. In order to be more efficient, can by turning off the multimedia features.
Tips to Saving on Mobile Phone Battery
Dim the Display Light
If you are in a dark room and light, dim the display light your mobile phone, it’s quite effective way to conserve battery consumption on your mobile phone. Furthermore, the display light in the room is minimal lighting is not too important. The main light in the mobile phone is already quite to support light required your mobile phone.
Check Email Manually
Push email service many encountered on smart phones these era, but this is where the battery quickly weak and consume a lot of energy. It’s good you turn off push email service and replace it by opening an email manually to condition your battery always awake with superfine.
Please Turn Off the Wireless Network
Please check your mobile phone, whether the bluetooth service or Wifi still active? If yes means the battery is in a position which drained their energy because of the service. It’s good when not in use, turn off the bluetooth and Wifi on your mobile phone.
Check the Battery Continuously
There are some applications that can be used to check your battery. For example the battery Go and Battery Life, and both of these applications give the remaining battery energy information. And also for Blackberry users, please use NBBatStat to monitor the battery’s energy and the temperature of the heat on the BB.

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